Still stuck on loading screen

I still can’t log in. I notice that other people have had the same problem but it says resolved which obviously it is not. This is incredibly frustrating. I can’t start my day off not knowing what to do, not to mention the late fees I incur when I haven’t paid something on time because I haven’t remembered the due date because I’m not supposed to remember it because that is the whole point of GTD in the first place. 1. Can you please fix it asap? and 2. Do you have any plans to stop this from happening in the future?

Also stuck on loading screen.

Hi, can you please fix this issue. It is the 2nd day that I cannot really work, because I have committed all my projects to GTDNext and I cannot access the contents. Thank you.

We continue to battle this issue. Right now we are up again and working to determine the root cause. Appologies as we work to determine the issue.

cc: @sergio

I’m still not up, stays on …loading…

It’s definitely still up and down. I’ll be in it for a while, and then it will give an error and want to restart - when it restarts it sticks on loading. Sorry, I’m sure it’s been a couple long painful days for you guys!

here is a link to the current status.

I’m still just seeing the loading screen

As we work to fix the issue we are still needing to reboot the box due to memory issues. It’s back up

Still not working…

We have been fixing as often as we see it get stuck. Right now that’s about twice a day. We are working as fast as we can to resolve the issue. Very sorry for the troubles! .

I’m also seeing this issue as of 6/8/2018 14:05 CST.

It seems to be hanging on this url with requests taking a long time ~60 seconds to resolve.

We have refreshed the server since this time and are up and working.

Yeah but only for 5 minutes then it’s down again.

oh no, it’s up again, all is well!

aaaand there it goes. Loading dialog appears after a few minutes interrupting work, after ~15 secs it goes away but by then I’ve already killed a coworker.

but the loading screen is not such an issue because when it doesn’t show there’s no response to clicking on tasks anyway.

I’ve signed up to this forum specifically to I can write this one comment.

I’ve loved GTDNext over the last two years, it’s really helped me. I started off with ThinkingRock, then (when my company stopped allowing it) tried Todoist, Anydo,, TSW (via Evernote). Finally I found GTDNExt and have been a paying customer for 2 years. However, the last, I’m gonna say 3 weeks, have been incredibly frustrating.

I’ve spent the weekend waiting for GTDNext ot be up so that I can export my lists to Dynalist, which I like because of it’s similarity to GTDNext. I’ve set up my lists over the weekend and this morning I’ve tried to get onto GTDNext to cancel my subscription and found I can’t because the site’s down again.

I’ve just checked again and it’s back so I’ve deleted my account. I expect that this means that I will receive a refund for the 9 months of the forthcoming year that I’ve paid for, but won’t be using.

I don’t know what your MTBF is currently, but it’s low enough to force me to move. Let me know when it’s higher than 6 months and I will consider coming back.


I think I may have to go back to paper. I have not found anything close to GtdNext that is workable but I’m also not willing to trust my NA’s to an online app with no offline recourse for desktop. This bout of downtime has made that pretty clear.

I feel you 100% I’d say Dynalist may have your back with their offline client tools, I’m following Paul there now.