Location of Projects list in left menu


In my screen, I see my projects lists at the top of the left menu. In al the videos and pics I see in the help seccion this project list appears always at de bottom of the left menu.

Anybody who knows the reason?

Thanks in advance.

Hi @joaquinmari - The earliest builds of the app had the Projects and Actions list in a different location. Over time we moved it (and changed the name). Some of those early videos still show the old name and location.

I would be inclined to recommend that it be moved back to its original position. To me, this is more natural, in two senses of the word. First, it is more common to have the projects list further down. Second, I think the most frequently used items should be higher up.

For me, The Focus list is the most frequently used list and should be first. Thereafter, the Next and Waiting lists are the ones that feed actions into Focus, and are lists that I need to look at several times a day. The same goes for the Inbox, where new items come in. Finally, Scheduled and Someday and Projects are things that are needed mainly during reviews.

Thanks @James

@folke, nice to see you here. I totally agree with you. Focus, Next, Waiting, Scheduled, Someday, Reference and finally projects. This would be perfect for me too.

I’ve never understood why the waiting list is always at the bottom (probably because of alphabetical sorting).

Kind rgds. for everybody.

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