Integration with todoist


I’m in a company where Todoist has been nominated as a standard app for task management. As it stands its very informal but i suspect this will change and it will become the place where workload is reviewed and task assigned.

This is not good, i struggle with Todosit, it’s lack of next actions and a few other habits it has make it pretty useless for me.

I’d like to continue using GTDnext as my own tool, capturing actions and categorising etc as i do currently, then ideally having my structured do lists that develop out of that process passed automatically to Todoist.

I use ifttt and email actions into GTDnext, but I’m struggling to see any effective way of working in both GTDnext and Todoist

Is there any way completing a task in GTDnext can trigger something like an email i can get into Todosit?



One question: Does it really need to be automatic?

I find that I am in always, concurrently, in several such situations simultaneously, working with different clients and other types of groups or teams.

Typically, or probably always, the case is that we jointly have an action plan at a higher level (team level, contractual level etc). These plans can exist on virtually any kind of paper, emall, or “app”. There is usually no similarity or integration. Then on top of that I want my own system, and it usually cannot be integrated with a single one of these, and I would not want it to. I always want to add my own take to what I will do - it may entail details or even secrets that I do not want to share and I may want to reinterpret or redefine or split or merge or reprioritize some actions in the “joint” plan that fall upon me. I will keep all this in my own plan.

Some double work is unavoidable. But it can be reduced. For example, if the joint plan contains 20 actions to call 20 named companies , then maybe you can just have one single task for this in your “own” system that says “call companies for client X” and check them off one by one in the team app. Or you could even just have one “permanent” task that says “do work for client x”. Or have nothing at all for it, only list the exceptions (additions) that are not listed in the joint plan.

It is important to keep people informed about what you are doing, but I try to do this concisely, manually. I have never ever (yet) been in a situation where I wanted to use my own checked-off lists as a “report”. I always try summarize things, eliminating unnecessary detail, but on the other hand add emphasis and detail and argumentation wherever necessary.

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Its settled down top pretty much as Folke suggested. I place summary points in the other system and use GTDNEXT as my main system.

