How do I delete tasks? Particularly a number of tasks at once?
Whatever the answer is, sorry but it’s simply NOT easy enough.
I should explain I am a paying supporter of GTDNext but in term of use I am just dipping in. But this makes me useful to the community because unlike most of you here, I am not “too close” to it and I am still seeing GTDNext as a new/mainstream user does (rather than as an enthusiast/early adopter as).
I should also explain that Completion is different. Ticking as “completed” should be the normal thing, yes - but in practice about 20 to 30% of the things I have done I never want to see again, not ever. Put it into an archive if you must - sure good idea - but much like file deletion this should auto empty without fuss. And my newbie test data in particular I want to be able to get rid of without fuss.
The obvious things I tried:
If I click on the white bit after the text and hit Delete key then the text from the item blow join me. OK this is unexpected but quite useful. Except that it only works if the item below is a peer not a child. If a child nothing happens.
==> No real complaints but still no solution. -
I tried shift/delete control/delete alt/delete but none of them do anything.
==> Starting to get frustrated. -
I tried right-clicking with the mouse. But nothing useful there.
I tried shift-clicking so that I could select multiple tasks at once and then delete them. But you cant select more than one task at once it seems. (The selected mark up is still so pale that I can barely see it, btw!)
I tried clicking on the tick box but that just makes the item “completed”
==> fair enough but still no solution -
Finally I tried clicking on the icon to the left of the tick box an hitting delete. The strange thing here was that clicking the icon put the cursor at the END of the text, and when I hit the Delete key, it deleted the FIRST letter.
Okay I give up
So what does MLO do. Whatever it is, is intuitive and obvious (MLO has other problems!). Let me see…
MLO has two very obvious modes:
a) Edit text mode
b) Row selected mode
Tick the row ==> the whole row is selected (goes pale blue)
Tick the text itself ==> and the text window thing appears around the text, and you can start editing text from exactly where you clicked.
In Row Selected mode hit F2 (like in Excel) and you are into Edit text mode
In Row Edit mode shift click another row and all rows are selected between the two points (just like an drowdown list in browser)
Or Control click lets you add more rows to being select individually (again just like standard browser dropdown lists…)
So how do you delete in MLO? And anything that ‘selected’ (and so is pale blue) when you hit the Delete key… is DELETED!
My point is that it is all easy, obvious & standard. Nothing for the new users to ‘learn’ !
Please can we have something similar in GTDNext !
If you want mainstream success you really need to absolutely minimize the learning curve of the UI.
PS. BUT it may be that we should have an “are you sure” warning? Personally I dont see why but others may disagree. But if you do build such a thing I strongly suggest that it is dead easy to say yes using the keyboard. (e.g. Y for yes, and probably it defaults to the Yes button??)