I would like to share a thought. I’m using ToDoist and have a sheet to enter (via email Subject line) a new project with 23 linked tasks - I use TD ‘due’ date as the ‘start’ date and enter the real due date via the sheet. Here’s the first Project entry:
Agree nnnnnnnnnn, nnnnnnnnnnnn, nnnnnnnn times <date 27 Aug 2015> [hidden lead time:120] !!by:06 Sep 2015!! [hidden duration:10] @office @discuss [priority] !!2
Results in this task with tags priority and format:
Agree nnnnnnnnnn, nnnnnnnnnnnn, nnnnnnnn times by:06 Sep 2015 <date 27 Aug 2015>@office @discuss !!2
Can I do something like this with GTDNext? Where do I find the syntax? Any help, anyone? As I write this, I can see the !! change to **.