Weird question about adding a field

I’m trying to integrate GTD Next and an external database in my workflow. The database has an ID field for each record that is immutable. I would like to add that ID field to any GTD tasks related to that database record.

I’m fairly sure this isn’t possible, but I’ll ask anyway: Is it possible to add custom fields to a GTD Next record? I could use tags, but that would mean a large number of tags that would be used once or twice. I can add the rec # in the notes field, but that’s not easily filterable. The other option, I think, is to add the rec ID to the front end of the task name.


HI Bruce!

You are correct, there currently isn’t a way to add a custom field to GTDNext. I have seen people handle similar situations by using all of the ideas you mentioned. 1) Place ID at start of task name 2) Ad as a Tag. I’ve also see the ID added to the notes field. You could also possibly combine ideas and have a general Tag that alerted you that an ID was in the notes field.
