Set recurring task to last day of the month

I have a work task that needs to be performed on the last calendar day of the month. Currently that’s not available - GTDnext does not allow me to set a task to occur on the 29th/30th/31st of a month. Is it possible to add more flexibility to the scheduling/recurrence feature to allow for a “smart” last day of the month - 28th if february, 30th if month has only 30 days, otherwise 31st?

Extending that even further, would it be possible to support something like “last friday of the month” or “last weekday of the month” in the future?

Thanks as always.

Yeah, that is pretty odd to exclude 29, 30 and 31 as if it thinks that it is February

Is there any resolution to this? I have some tasks that I want to schedule on the 29th or 30th but those values are still not available in the drop-down…