Projects with no actions indicator


is there anyway projects with no actions could be highligted at the top level?

I think I’m correct that if i close all actions under a project it stays as a project in that the title of it doesn’t appear in the next actions list.

Possibly my workflow makes this of interest, i have a lot of small projects where the current action will determine the following one, being able to see any projects where I have not identified a next action would be useful


You know when there is no response to one of your posts that you need to rethink the process that instigated it #backtodrawingboard :relaxed:

I really do like this idea. Or at least the goal you are trying to accomplish. Sometimes I just like to wait to see if anyone else will jump in to discuss first before I reply. :slight_smile:

One of the ideas I’ve had for a while is to have a set of filters that could help with a weekly review. The ability to filter for all projects that do not have a current next action is one of the filters I was thinking would be helpful.

Your idea to somehow highlight these projects is another good way to accomplish this goal. I worry a bit about creating too mush visual clutter, so it would need to be handled in a way that doesn’t distract too much from your other tasks.

I’ll continue to think about the best way to do this in the future. Does anyone else have ideas on how this could or should be accomlished.?

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I don’t have an opinion about how it should be implemented, but the only other GTD app I ever really liked (mGSD) had this feature, and I used it. It was definitely useful for review - any project without a next action needs to be re-considered - should it be moved to Someday/Maybe? Is it complete? Or do you just need to plan your next actions, so that you can keep the project moving forwards?


Again my process is probably not “pure”

I like having a burn down, seeing my list of next actions reducing which i hope means i’m progressing things across all projects.

As such i tend to go to next actions and make them focused items, go to the focus list and work through it.

A mechanism for these to appear in a review would be perfect for me, I had some idea of them appearing in an identifiable way in the next actions list as a “define next action” task but I’ll give it some thought as that not be the best option.



Hi. This one is still something I’d find helpful

i run a lot of small projects and quite often the outcome of the current next action determines what follows. So some way to list projects with no next actions would be really useful.

