1.3.16 cont’d
I also noticed that repeating actions show up as projects, with the folder icon, the bold typeface and even visible in the left menu. I assume all this is unintentional.
About the due and new markers, maybe a good idea would be to show these for the parent nodes only if they are collapsed, in other words only show the marker in one place (the lowest level currently shown) for each new/due action.
The “new” marker could be just a little dot etc, similar to the due icon, instead of text - would be neater.
Yeah, it is probably good enough for now. It is very good that the edit pane can be left open. All you need to do is single-click the task you want to look at. In the future, if even this limited clicking turns out to be too much, I guess it will be a safe bet to have a toggle between a “brief” and a “detailed” display mode.
In the “brief” mode (what we have now) you could (or should) actually drop the due date, too, and just leave the little icon to show that a hard deadline exists and refer the user to the edit pane for the details. It gets a bit cluttered with the irregular length etc in all the colors. Just the existing dot in three colors would be enough - “has due date”, “due today” and “due date has passed”. Objectively fixed due dates are quite rare. In GTD you use neither due dates nor start dates for “planning”, but only to describe the “hard landscape” (as DA calls it), i.e. externally objective facts, not your own decisions. It would be neat and consistent to leave them all out in the “brief” mode.
For the “new” marker you could have similar color coding, with one or two colors - “since today” (either newly created or new from tickler file, sequential project etc) or “future start” (i.e. a tickler file aka scheduled item, if you decide to implement this using the start date, which is probably a very robust and simple solution.)
All in all, this would make it possible to put both the new/since marker and the due marker in two fixed columns to make it look neat and tidy (perhaps to the right of the variable-width area indicator).
Another thought: maybe it would be useful to have some special filters in P&A, e.g. one filter to show all new actions, another to show all actions that have a due date etc, and also one filter to show only those that are visible on the main lists right now, i.e. that are not in any way inactivated sequentially or otherwise.